What is a Gravity Score on ClickBank? A Guide for Affiliate Marketers

What is a Gravity Score on ClickBank? A Guide for Affiliate Marketers

Ever scoured the ClickBank marketplace and wondered what those mysterious numbers next to the product names mean? As an affiliate marketer, understanding a “gravity score” can launch your earnings into the stratosphere.

What is a Clickbank Gravity Score?

In this beginner’s guide chock-full of examples and insights, we’ll crack the code on gravity scores so you can leverage them to confidently promote stellar products. Ready to become a black belt in interpreting this vital ClickBank metric? Let’s dive in!

What are Gravity Scores and Why Do They Matter for Affiliates?

A gravity score reflects how many unique affiliates earned a commission promoting a ClickBank product over the past 12 weeks. Essentially, it shows the current demand and interest from affiliate marketers like you.
For example, a score of 125 means 125 different affiliates have generated sales for that product recently. The higher the number, the more buzz and conversions that product is seeing across the affiliate universe.

  • Scores typically range from 0 up to 200+ for evergreen mega-hits. But even scores as low as 20+ can indicate opportunity.
  • ClickBank's algorithm precisely calculates the score based on total distinct affiliates earning verified commissions during the 12 week time frame.
  • Products need a minimum of 5 sales from 5 affiliates to get an initial score. This threshold ensures statistical significance.
    As an affiliate, gravity scores quickly indicate how potentially profitable a product could be for your own promotions. Keeping an eye on scores guides you to timely, in-demand products where you're more likely to achieve success.
    Let's say you see a fitness ebook with a score of 112, and a cooking course with a 22 score. The higher score shows greater affiliate interest and sales conversions, signaling better potential returns for your efforts.
    So in short, leverage gravity scores to zero in on products people are actively buying based on real affiliate performance data!

    Ideal Gravity Score Characteristics for Affiliate Promotions

    When assessing whether a gravity score is “good” for your promotions, the ideal range is typically 50-200. However, the “sweet spot” depends on additional key factors:

  • Some niches like investing or survival have more affiliates competing overall, which naturally pushes scores higher. A score of 180 could be stellar in a niche with fewer affiliate marketers tapping in.
  • Higher priced big ticket products tend to score lower than inexpensive impulse buys. A $2,000 course selling to 87 affiliates is impressive, while an ebook priced at $7 would need a much higher score to indicate similar success.
  • Generous 50-75% commission rates understandably attract more affiliates to compete, increasing gravity scores compared to products offering smaller commissions.
    The niche, price point, commission percentage, and product age all impact the score level. It's about finding the balance between healthy competition and strong buyer demand. A score of 112 for a low-priced cooking ebook shows great demand, while a 150 score for a financial trading course at $5,000 price point indicates lower relative buyer interest.
    Use these contextual factors and examples to better interpret what any given gravity score means for possible earnings potential.

    Finding Profitable Products to Promote Based on Gravity Scores

    Let’s explore some pro tips for leveraging gravity scores to pinpoint timely, profitable products amid the thousands in ClickBank’s packed marketplace:

    Use ClickBank Filters to Sort Products by Gravity Score Range

    ClickBank’s search lets you filter products specifically by gravity score range. Sorting by score brackets (e.g. 100-150, 150-200, etc.) shows the top performers quickly based on current affiliate interest and demand. Run searches filtered by score brackets within your niche to uncover "rising star" products gaining traction.

    Check Third-Party Tracking Tools

    Sites like CBEngine provide additional intel on gravity score trends, conversion rates, affiliate earnings per click and more. This data helps inform decisions and identify potential winners. Sign up for tracking tools that offer custom score filtering and tracking to hone in on diamonds in the rough.

    Combine Gravity Scores With Other Key Metrics

    Never rely solely on gravity scores. Factor in critical context like the vendor's reputation, refund rates, commission percentages, and sales page conversions. Usinggravity scores with these other indicators provides a complete intelligence picture to find true standouts.
    With some savvy sorting, filtering, and tracking, gravity scores can really help drill down to uncover potential golden geese. But we’re just getting started!

    Tips for Affiliates to Get Sales for New Products With No Existing Score

    The most exciting market opportunities are often new products that haven't generated enough affiliate sales yet to trigger an initial gravity score. Here are some proven tips to drive those critical first sales that kickstart the score:

  • Promote new products in underserved niches to get in before competing affiliates saturate the market. Ride the wave early.
  • Incentivize buyers with time-limited bonuses, coupons, or perks for being "founding customers." Everyone loves a deal.
  • Tap into niche communities, engage influencers, and build buzz to raise awareness. Turn product evangelists into your affiliate sales army.
  • Follow up with previous customers who opted-in and may be interested in related new offers. Past buyers are more likely to buy again.
  • Test small ads to identify an audience, then scale up promotions for products showing potential. Fail fast and double down on what sticks.

Getting in early with scoreless new products can really pay off handsomely once your savvy promotional efforts start racking up those crucial initial sales.
Now let’s look at how to keep earnings momentum going strong...

Optimizing Affiliate Promotions to Boost Product Gravity Scores

Driving up a product's gravity score should be an ongoing priority, as it directly impacts your potential commissions. With some optimization, you can organically build up a score over time. Here are some proven strategies to give stagnant scores a boost:

  • Create highly targeted ads, incentivize clicks, split test creatives, and drive qualified traffic to the sales page. Conversion rate optimization is key.
  • A/B test different promotional angles, landing pages, bonuses and funnels to determine what messaging and flows convert best. Experiment relentlessly.
  • Analyze your performance data, metrics and attribution to see which affiliate traffic sources truly influence the score vs just adding vanity clicks. Double down on what works.
  • Breathe new life into stale products by promoting a new angle, use case or audience. Reinvigorate interest with existing buyers.
  • Leverage emerging platforms and trends, like leveraging TikTok to target millennials for a dated product originally promoted to seniors.

The core goal is improving conversions through continually refined, data-driven promotional tactics. This optimization compounds over time to organically increase the product's gravity score. It's the key ingredient to maximize affiliate marketing earnings long-term.

Monitoring Gravity Scores for Ongoing Affiliate Marketing Optimization

It's essential to monitor gravity scores at least weekly, as they fluctuate based on shifting affiliate competition, promotions and conversions:

  • New products start out scoreless - your early promotions can catalyze initial sales to trigger the first score.
  • As you and other affiliates ramp up promotions, scores rise accordingly over days and weeks.
  • Eventually scores plateau and may decline as affiliates saturate the market and move on to new products.

By continuously evaluating your marketing approach and adjusting your promotional mix based on real-time score data, you keep your efforts tightly aligned with timely, high-converting offers. This optimization agility is the hallmark of top-tier affiliate marketers.

Key Takeaways for Affiliates on Leveraging Gravity Scores

Let's recap the core tips from this in-depth guide:

  • Gravity scores indicate real-time demand - use them to identify affiliate-friendly, profitable products.
  • Generally target 50-200 range when starting out and optimize from there.
  • Combine gravity scores with holistic product evaluation using key metrics.
  • Get sales for unscored new products early before competition arrives.
  • Continuously refine marketing to organically boost gravity scores.
  • Monitor score changes weekly to dynamically optimize promotions.

Wielding gravity scores separates the affiliate marketing wheat from the chaff. Now you've got the skills to decode these invaluable metrics and capitalize on high-converting, high-profit ClickBank products at just the right time! Here's to skyrocketing affiliate earnings.